IGTV is here and it’s got players like YouTube, Snapchat and Vimeo shaking in their boots. And rightly so, Instagram has shown us time and time again that it is… READ MORE
Statistics for Social Media Usage in Australia: What They Mean for Your Online Marketing Efforts
Almost everyone has caught on to the idea that you need to have an online presence if you’re going to have any presence at all. It’s easy enough to put together a basic website, but to ensure that your website pops up on the first page of a Google search, things gets a little more complicated. You really have to figure out how to make yourself seen and heard in the jungle that is the online sphere. One way to get noticed: social media.
Australian Social Media Statistics: 2013 vs 2014
Social Media is an essential part of the marketing mix these days. By now, everyone should be fully aware of the myriad of benefits of this relatively new communication tool…. READ MORE