On the hunt for a way to connect with Australia’s marketing industry professionals? Not sure how to get cut through amongst this advertising-savvy group of individuals? Why not try an advertising package with us?
With considerable traffic each month, advertising on Marketing.com.au will help your company be seen and recognised by some of the biggest players in the Australian marketing industry. We offer a range of options, from banner adverts to business listings.
Advertising in the Marketing.com.au e-newsletter is a direct, effective way to promote your products and services. Our e-newsletter is distributed monthly and covers the latest in marketing news, technology, tips, tricks and events.
Need More Proof?
If you need a little more convincing about the success of our efforts, here are some recent statistics in over the past year (updated June 2022):
- Sessions Per Month: 3,000+
- User Per Month: 2,600+
- Pageviews Per Month: 4,700+
- Average Time on Site: 1.25 minutes
- Origin of Users:
- 41% of our sessions are from Australia. Of these:
- 39% are based in New South Wales
- 28% in Victoria
- 17% in Queensland
- 7% in Western Australia
- 5% in South Australia
- 2% in Australian Capital Territory
- 2% in Tasmania and Northern Territory
- Other sessions: 11% from India, 11% from United States, 5% Phillipines and 32% from other countries
- 41% of our sessions are from Australia. Of these:
- Age of Users:
- 30% are 18-24 years
- 33% are 25-34 years
- 18% are 35-44 years
- 11% are 45-54 years
- 8% are 55+ years
- Gender of Users:
- 59% Female
- 41% Male
- Newsletter Subscribers: 1000+ with the top 3 locations being Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane
- Average Newsletter Open Rate: 25-50%
- Average Newsletter Click Through Rate: 3-8%
Pricing Structure
We offer fantastic value-for-money with our pricing structure:
- Top Leaderboard (728px x 90px): $250 (ex GST) per month
- Right Hand Side Bar (336px x 280px): – $150 (ex GST) per month
- Featured Event (750px x 500px (reduces to 300px by 200px thumbnail automatically on the events calendar page): $50 (ex GST) per event
- Homepage Featured Event (728px x 90px): $120 (ex GST) per month
- Featured Business Listing (capped at 3 per category): $50 (ex GST) per listing per month
- Newsletter (250px x 250px): $100 (ex GST) per newsletter

To start a conversation about flexible and effective advertising opportunities with Marketing.com.au please complete the form below.