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Social Media Course – Sydney live class

September 10, 2021

A one-day social media training course providing strategic thinking and practical tips. Offered each month in Sydney’s East. It’s a live, in-person workshop with an experienced educator.

We limit numbers and covid-safe rules apply, including social distancing.

How we work  

We provide and use:

  • examples of best practice (small business and large)
  • live online demonstrations
  • learning resources you can use later (including videos)
  • a plain English approach to teaching (we avoid tech talk)
  • practical exercises which focus on your business

Learn more about how we work.



What’s in the social media course?  

This is our popular all-in-one package – where we cover the key bases in a day. The key components of the course are:

1. Big picture / strategic thinking

  • the key principles for success in the long run
  • what you can learn from businesses using it well
  • what you can expect to get out of social media
  • where social media fits in with your overall marketing
  • which social media platforms to use

2. Key aspects of developing the major platforms


  • how to use Facebook for marketing your business
  • tips for maximising the effectiveness of Facebook
  • what to post on Facebook / what works best
  • examples of best practice (small business and large)
  • an intro to Facebook advertising
  • Facebook learning resources


  • how to use Instagram for marketing your business
  • tips for maximising the effectiveness of Instagram
  • what to post on Instagram / what works best
  • examples of best practice (small business and large)
  • Instagram learning resources


  • how to use Twitter for marketing your business
  • tips for maximising the effectiveness of Twitter
  • what to tweet about / what works best
  • an explanation of the key Twitter tools
  • examples of best practice (small business and large)
  • Twitter learning resources


  • how to use Linkedin for networking, branding and B2B
  • tips for maximising the effectiveness of Linkedin
  • examples of business people using Linkedin well
  • Linkedin learning resources


  • how to use YouTube & videos for marketing your business
  • tips for maximising the effectiveness of YouTube
  • types of videos you can put on YouTube / what works best
  • examples of best practice (small business and large)
  • YouTube learning resources


  • how to use blogging for marketing your business
  • tips for maximising the effectiveness of your blog
  • what to blog about / genres of blog posts
  • examples of best practice (small business and large)
  • blogging learning resources

3. Social media planning

  • the key elements of a social media plan
  • prac session where we brainstorm content ideas
  • the steps to take you from ideas to plan to implementation
  • how to schedule content to platforms ahead of time

4. Key issues

  • how to build and then interact with your community
  • what to do about negative comments
  • how to measure ROI (return on investment)

5. Starting and managing your time

  • intro to social media sharing platforms
  • how to schedule platforms ahead of time
  • how to feed and interlink your social media and website
  • other tips to help you save time

Why learn about social media marketing? 

The cost to start social media platforms is free. The hidden cost is the time it takes to really get it working well – which makes it imperative you understand the principles for long-term success, how successful players are using it, and how you should be spending your own precious time.

Those successful businesses have used social media to:

  • listen to what’s happening in the market
  • build relationships with customers
  • focus attention on their brand’s strengths
  • position as a leader in their field and build brand value
  • get themselves higher in google searches
  • generate leads and opportunities



Media School Studio – Sydney
335 Clovelly Road
Clovelly, NSW 2031 Australia


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