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Effective legal and business writing is a critical foundational skill for anyone in professional services, in particular those who regularly deal with legal matters. That could be reviewing contracts, drafting policies or instructing lawyers on matters. Clients, superiors and stakeholders increasingly expect to be provided with information which is clear, concise and actionable. It is a valid expectation; especially where it is a time-pressed client paying for your assistance! Effective writing also prevents business inefficiencies which arise from unclear messages, reduces complaints and may assist the writer if they ever have to justify their past decisions to a third party e.g. a regulator. Strong writing skills also assist in developing the writer’s critical thinking on a topic. The benefits of effective written communication are innumerable. And yet, it is often neglected to the writer’s detriment notwithstanding they may be someone who commonly deals with complicated and time-pressured legal and business matters. Perhaps more than for any other skill, time taken by non-lawyers to improve their legal and business writing skills is an investment that will pay dividends throughout their entire career. It is one that will set them apart and promote them on the road to achieving greater success in their professional career. This masterclass may be the first step in achieving that success.