COVID-19 restrictions have impacted events being held, however, during this time we will continue to share local Australian and international digital events you can attend online. So keep on learning, improving your skills and networking!

Podfest Global Summit


Simply stated, Podfest Global Summit is an extension of Podfest Multimedia Expo, one of the longest running and tightest-knit communities of podcasters in the world! Podfest Expo is a community of people who are interested in and passionate about sharing their voice and message with the world through the powerful mediums of audio and video.... READ MORE

DigiMarCon Asia Pacific 2022


DigiMarCon Asia Pacific 2022 Digital Marketing, Media and Advertising Conference will take place September 15th to 16th, 2022, Online; Live and On Demand. It’s the one digital marketing event for marketing professionals in Asia Pacific you can’t afford to miss! Whether your goal is to reinforce customer loyalty, improve lead generation, increase sales, or drive... READ MORE

Metrics and Measurement Friday Forum


Join us for our Metrics & Measurement Friday Forum to learn how to become an analytics pro, even if (and especially if), the thought makes your eyes glaze over. Register to attend and you'll get three educational sessions, live Q&A, and resources.

MOPsCon – Marketing Operations


We invest in people because technology can’t run itself. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover, learn, and connect with other people passionate about Marketing Operations (MOPs) and martech!   MOPsCON is created by MOPs professionals for MOPs professionals. This is not just a fluffy event with buzz words–we are technical practitioners and experienced business leaders... READ MORE

Digital Marketing For Financial Services Midwest Summit 2022


This event is dedicated to highlighting best practices in marketing innovation and ROI optimization. Hone your marketing approach with unparalleled expertise and stay one step ahead of your competitors. Explore emerging strategies and trends for marketing in a post-pandemic world. Strike the perfect balance between high tech and high touch to create loyal and engaged... READ MORE

Intro to Instagram Marketing


With over 1 billion users, 80% of which follow a business, Instagram is dominating the social media landscape, and they’re here to stay. In this two-hour livestream, you will learn the ins and outs of how to build and grow your brand’s presence on Instagram. We’ll cover how to incorporate Instagram as an important part... READ MORE

Intro to Facebook Ads


With over 2.8 billion active users, and 1.84 billion users that are visiting daily, Facebook is the place to be when it comes to advertising your business! In this free, two-hour livestream, you’ll learn how to make the most of Facebook advertising. We’ll focus on specific hacks that will help you cut through the noise... READ MORE

Traffic & Conversion Summit


Every year, thousands of the world’s smartest marketers descend on San Diego, California to learn what’s new, what’s hot, and what’s actually working RIGHT NOW in digital marketing. Here’s what you can expect to learn at this year’s Traffic & Conversion Summit… NEW TRAFFIC CHANNELS With changing customer behavior and the impact of iOS 14,... READ MORE

The MarTech Conference 2022


As B2B and B2C customers continue to engage in digital environments, their expectations of seamless, efficient, and memorable purchasing experiences continue to rise. Add to that the increasingly critical role of customer data, marketing automation, and beyond – plus the staggering volume of tools for streamlined management – and you get an unprecedented wealth of... READ MORE

ANA Data & Technology Conference 2022


Data and technology is the single most comprehensive driver in marketing today. While most companies have a data-driven vision and have invested heavily in new talent, few have realized its full potential. The 2022 ANA Data & Technology Conference will explore data strategies, supporting technological innovations, and organizational management processes of several brands that have successfully... READ MORE