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5 Awesome SEO Tips to Boost Your Search Rankings

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There are over 1.3 billion websites on the Internet, and this number is increasing at a rapid pace that means there are countless websites that are all competing in your niche.

So how can your site stand out from your competitors? The answer is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). If people want to find information on specific products and services, they often go to a search engine first.

It’s challenging to get into the top 10 listings in search results without some effort. That is why it’s important to optimise your website for search engines. So how do you optimise your websites for the search engines? When it comes to SEO tips, there are plenty of websites that are promoting black-hat SEO tricks that can get your site banned. So proceed with caution. They promise quick results which can be appealing, but there is also a risk of your site being penalised by Google.

You don’t want your site to be penalised by Google do you? Well, in this article, I’ll share some handy tips that adhere to best practice techniques to help boost your search engine rankings.

1. Post to Social Media Platforms

Social media signals are very important for SEO, especially when active social media users are increasing at a rapid pace. If you consistently post your relevant content on various popular social media platforms, it will help you to get additional exposure and visitors.

You should also consider reaching out to social media influencer. When a popular influencer promotes your post it can also help to get more engagement from social media users.

Better engagement on your post will help give extra ‘search engine juice’ to your post and a better outcome overall. Posts promoted on LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, and other social media platforms will become even more important in the near future.

Don’t hesitate to post your content and product pages on social media. However, use common sense and don’t just publish promotional posts. Use your creativity to share content to help get engagement from your followers.

2. Create Useful and Interesting Videos

Video marketing has taken the world of social media marketing by storm. Videos also get more engagement from the users in comparison to other types of posts.

Linking YouTube videos to your website can also help in boosting the rank of the specific blog post by adding extra content. There are many types of videos that you can make and share on your website and social media pages. You may have seen many social media marketers making use of Facebook Live.

If you have no idea how to create a good video, you can outsource to other sites like Upwork, Fiver, and Freelancer.

3. Optimise Your Site for Mobile Devices

Google penalises sites that are not mobile friendly. With people spending more and more time on their mobile devices, it’s crucial for websites to optimise their sites for mobile.

You can use the Google mobile-friendly test to find out whether your site is easy to navigate on mobile devices or not.

A mobile-friendly site also helps to get extra search engine juice, to boost your search engine rankings further.

4. Consider Voice Search

With applications, such as Alexa, Siri, and Google Home growing in popularity, conducting a search using voice commands is also growing in popularity. You should make sure that your content is ranking well in searches by voice.

Just make a list of top keywords that you want your content to rank for and also make a list of the terms that people may use for initiating a voice search. The keywords that are likely to be spoken and used for searching are different than conventional keywords.

Use your common sense and do some research to find out what people may physically say versus type in for specific search queries that you want to rank for.

5. Focus on Quality and Use Long Form Content

Search Engines want to send traffic to the best possible page for users. Visitors don’t want to be hunting around numerous websites for information that they need. It’s more convenient to have all the relevant information in one place. This is the reason why longer content can often get better rankings.

Take the time to build out your content for your page or post. Think about what other useful information or visuals you could include such as infographics, videos, location, images, news, maps, and so on.

If you just publish short incomplete posts or pages on your site, you are wasting an opportunity that your competitors might snap up and the content will be less appealing to search engines.

Where To From Here?

If you focus on building a quality website, that visitors enjoy using and get your SEO right, this can definitely help to attract more users to your site and help to boost your sales.

For some further reading and tips check out these other articles:

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