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The Future of Email: What’s Next For Digital Marketing?

Email marketing

You might be surprised to learn that email marketing has been said to have a much higher return on investment over social media, proving that email has held the marketing throne for quite some time. But what’s next for the future of email in the ever-evolving digital world?

Social media’s marketing power is huge, with reportedly about 50% of millennials preferring to promote products and services via their online platforms. Yet many marketers forget emails high potential to outperform all other marketing channels if campaigns are updated regularly according to new advancements in digitalisation.

For a tactical head start in keeping up with trends in email marketing, there are a few things to look out for:

Mobile-First Approach

Seventy-five per cent of us use our smartphones as our primary resource for checking our inboxes (Source: emailmonday). With most people checking their emails on the go, a mobile-first approach should be mandatory for all email marketers. Templates should be mobile compatible with every aspect pre-considered; Shorter subject lines to fit smaller screens, sizeable buttons for chunky thumbs and the use of visuals with a fair ratio of image and text.

It might not necessarily be something to prepare for in the future, but more so something that should already be implemented in your campaign. Even so, the future for mobile inboxes is rapidly becoming more and more common.

Videos and Emails

Think back to the last time you were scrolling through Facebook – how many videos caught your attention? Now think of the ads that played before your video. Generally, videos have a higher influencing power. Nowadays, consumers are more drawn to video advertisements than traditional online ads such as banners. The same applies to the use of video in emails.

Marketers who use video in their email marketing campaigns grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users and when video is mentioned in an email subject line, open rates are boosted by 19%.

One benefit of using video is that it is much more powerful than text and image alone. The way of the future is to create compelling videos that engage your customers and serve them a genuine purpose. Points are given for videos that contain hidden advertisements.

Interactive Emails

All marketers know that their job is made easier when things are made more convenient for the customer – happy customer, happy marketer. This is very much the case when it comes to interactive emails.

On the horizon of email marketing lies interactive emails. Customers will not need to leave their inbox to enter another browser thanks to microsites inside the initial email. This saves time and data.

Artificial Intelligence

We’ve already started to see huge advancements in AI throughout multiple industries. In the marketing world, AI combined with automation is proving to be a major game changer. Well-timed triggers and smart nudges are readily available on most email marketing software’s, but let’s look at what AI can do for content in context.

Thanks to date integration, in Melbourne where it is raining, Jane will open her email to see raincoats on sale, whereas Sarah in Sydney, where the sun is shining, will see sunglasses promotions. Optimisation such as this allows for 1-to-1 communication and helps to create a personal experience for the customer – it’s a marketer’s dream!

Data Protection

One of the many advantages of email marketing is its ability to reach a worldwide audience, however, keeping up with data protection laws that often vary between countries is becoming more and more important as the digital evolution progresses.

In May 2018, the EU welcomed GDPR. The legislation directly impacts how customer data is stored and used. This means that companies in Australia with customers in Europe must adhere to these strict guidelines. Companies must provide a double-opt-in process and provide information on the type of data being gathered, how long you will store the data and where.

It will not be long until the US follows Europe’s lead, so email marketers need to be aware of the changing landscape of data privacy. Huge debates are ongoing between policy leaders and industries influenced by Europe’s new law, and it certainly won’t be long until more legal action is required for marketing. Staying up to date with the new privacy laws on a global scale makes sure you are in the clear.


To succeed in email marketing takes trial and error, a strategic plan and an in-depth understanding of your customers, but once this is mastered, keeping up with future trends and staying in the loop of digital marketing advancements is just as important.

Your email marketing campaign should be continuously updated to stay in the game. Trends to look out for include adapting your emails to be mobile compatible, using videos in your emails to fully engage with your customers and keeping an eye out for various advancements in AI that directly impact your campaigns. Data protection is detrimental to businesses if not adhered too, as customer trust online is becoming more and more important along with the legal side of the such legislation.

For more email marketing articles, have a look at these insightful articles on

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