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How Can Social Media Content Help SEO Positioning

There are many types of digital marketing which all are connected. Whether you want to do PPC or SEO, but you cannot forget other forms of digital marketing. Every digital marketing practice is connected with another. All you have to do create the right balance so you can start getting the fruits of your labour. Same goes for SEO and Social Media.

Some people believe that only through link building and other SEO practices, you can get your site ranked on the top of Google search engine result page. However both Social Media and SEO are organic ways of earning traffic.

Google Understands Social Media

There is no debate in the dominance of Google for all SEO. Before discussing how social media can impact SEO it is important to understand how Google sees Social Media. Google positions a website through its algorithm, which analyses the factors such as meaning and classification variables.

There was a time when people used to believe that Google ranked only on social media links which have the most engagement regarding reach, comments and likes. But later on, it proved that Google treats every social media website just like a web page.

The Right Use of Social Media for SEO Positioning

Knowing the important things regarding social media content marketing is important for every SEO because it is a slightly different genre of digital marketing for them. Here are some of the best ways to get help from social media content marketing:


To help people and Google to find you, you need to have a substantial number of followers on your social media profile. You have to grow numbers of followers and social media connection to help make some influence on your ranking.

Having large numbers of followers can act like having website authority. The more people know you, and the more you are common among the people which improves your worth under Google’s algorithm. However, just like website authority, growing the number of followers isn’t so easy, especially if you are using only organic means of social media marketing.

2. Listing on Maps

Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn are not the only places where your presence is important from a social media marketing and SEO perspective. There are some other places too to which Google gives weight to. Google Maps or Google My Business provide you with the option to list your business address and to help build some authority for your business.

For example, if you are doing the SEO of a business which has any physical existence, then adding it to Google My Business by using an real address can do wonders with your website on the Google SERP.

3. Content Marketing

Just posting quality and relevant content and getting engagement on it isn’t enough to get Google’s attention. If you are producing quality content, then it is important to share it with others too. This is called content marketing, which is one of the primary practices of social media marketing. It contributes to your brand authority, just like external linking, to improve your website authority.

4. Brand Awareness

Although brand awareness is a branding and marketing term, it also has its impact when it comes to SEO. While getting all the perks of the brand awareness, you can get advantages from the SEO too by integrating social media marketing with SEO. Brand awareness makes an indirect impact on your SEO.

Increase your the brand awareness on social media increases your online brand presence. You get discussed by the people more and getting a tag on the different online platforms by the random people who have heard about you. Here is where the cycle begins for people to start talking about you and then search for you. The more search queries you get, the better your chances are to get the top spot on Google SERP even on the general industry keywords.

The whole mechanism behind it is complicated to understand, but it does create an effect on your SEO and gives you a greater search visibility on the Google which is the dream of every SEO expert.

For some more tips on what SEO strategies ‘to do’ check out these recent articles:

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