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Common Misconceptions About Digital Marketing

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Common misconceptions about digital marketing have been running rampant for some time now. Any business that is looking to get the most out of digital marketing must take the time to educate themselves to understand the strengths and weaknesses.

Without any further ado, let’s take a moment to deconstruct some of these myths so that businesses are able to keep on the right track.

1. Search Engine Optimisation Is Not an Ongoing Process

There are too many companies out there that allow themselves to fall victim to the “set it and forget it” mentality.

Businesses that do not treat search engine optimisation as an ongoing process are putting a glass ceiling on their own ability to achieve.

Any reputable company is going to let the client know that SEO is the furthest thing from a one-time effort. Maintenance, continuous testing and an emphasis on strategies are needed.

2. Search Engine Optimisation Is No Longer Important

This is incorrect, it has just evolved. For example, email marketing and social media marketing actually play a massive role in a company’s SEO. For example, an informative social media page that provides regular updates about a business will do wonders for search engine rankings. The same goes for e-mail marketing. Sure, the old ways of doing things are dead and gone. There is no reward for businesses that are still relying on outdated search engine optimisation methods. You should engage a company that is following best practice techniques such as adhering to Google’s best practice recommendations and Google webmaster guidelines.

3. Social Media Marketing Doesn’t Work For Every Business

On the contrary, social media marketing is an efficient form of digital marketing for any business….in any niche.

The true test comes when it is time for a company to research their target audience. Every social media hub will not operate in the same manner for every business. Some companies may rely on Snapchat or Instagram as a means of getting in touch with a younger audience. Others may decide that they wish to tap into Facebook’s billions of unique users.

The effectiveness of this form of marketing lies in a company’s ability to choose the channel that is most effective for their needs.

4. Social Media Allows For More Negative Commentary

This is a common complaint from clients but it is unfounded.

Instead of treating negative feedback as something to be avoided, the best businesses lean into the commentary. They are willing to meet these clients halfway and address their concerns.

These types of comments provide progressive businesses with the ability to make the necessary changes and maintain a positive relationship with their client base. Don’t make the mistake of tuning out legitimate conversation.

5. Constant Redesign Is Helpful

There is a balance that needs to be struck. Setting it and forgetting it is not the way to go. Constant redesign comes with its own pitfalls, though.

Redesign can be helpful if a page or an app becomes outdated. A mobile app development company or a web developer will recommend a redesign in certain instances but the business must be aware of some key facts.

If the business has not done the proper research, they should not be engaging in constant redesign projects.

6. Digital Marketing Does Not Lead To Mobile Conversions

While the average consumer is not going to take the time to fill out a bevy of complicated forms on their mobile device, this does not mean that companies should be avoiding digital marketing.

Mobile conversions are increased with the proper digital marketing and mobile first designed landing pages. Any company that claims digital marketing does not lead to mobile conversions is misleading their client and should not be trusted.

7. SEO Tools Are a Perfect Replacement For An In House Team

Tools of this nature are great for efficiency. However, they are certainly no substitute for a well rounded in house team.

Tools are a wonderful addition to any business that is looking to increase automation. But what happens when problems start to arise and a human touch is needed?

That’s why these tools should be used in conjunction with expert advice. They go hand in hand and one is never going to work as a full fledged replacement for another.

8. Creative Testing Is A One Time Expense

On the contrary, creative testing should never be considered as a one time expense. It is an ongoing process and must be treated as such. The first wave of results may have been great but there is something to be said for remaining proactive. Testing should also never be done for the mere sake of doing so. Be sure to formulate a hypothesis before the process has even had a chance to begin.


By steering clear of the most common mistakes and avoiding the pitfalls of relying on outdated ‘conventional’ wisdom, businesses can give themselves every chance to succeed. These are many myths like these that a business will encounter. Those who take the time to debunk them and do their research, have the best chance of achieving their goals and objectives.

For some further reading, check out these other related digital marketing articles from

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