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Master Keys to Thrifty Advertising: A Guide to Advertising on a Micro Budget

Thrifty small advertising budgets

Pricey advertisement campaigns don’t always translate to abundant revenue, because, after all, advertisement in itself is just a bait: the quality of a company’s product is what really does the business. This is why having a low budget to spare for marketing needs — even though they are important — is not a threat to a business. By as much as simply concentrating on the core principles of performance and networking, an entrepreneur may actually succeed more than their fellow businessmen who put too much emphasis on advertisement and forget about the very foundation upon which their business structure stands.

1. Analysis


Companies should frequently analyse the efficiency of their current marketing approach and check the conversion rates. In this way, entrepreneurs can be aware of the need to investigate flaws in their strategies when there is one and work on improvement. The importance of this step is self-explanatory. There are numerous tools designed to monitor how your leads convert to customers and how they respond to various marketing techniques that a company uses. If a business can afford a limited amount of marketing services to spend money on, those tools deserve their place on the list.


If current or previous advertisement campaigns were successful enough, there’s no necessity in making new expenses for a new campaign. It’s perfectly fine to keep the old effective approach, just rebooted or reformatted to be in accordance with the newer trends, and use it again as successfully as before.

2. Focus

Keeping the Customer

One aspect of marketing focus is the target customer. Everybody knows that keeping existing customers costs much less than attracting new ones. If the existing customers are satisfied with a product or service, their feedback, reviews and testimonies can do the advertising job oftentimes much better than a full-blown advertising campaign. Companies keep in touch and don’t let their clients and subscribers forget about them. They stay active on the market, they update their blogs and websites regularly with relevant and valuable content and use a personalised approach to an individual customer or a specific customer group, whichever applies better.

Hitting the Target

Micro budget advertising requires businesses to keep their efforts centred around those groups of customers that are most likely to take interest in their services. Widening the customer range is alluring and promising, yet it’s not the first thing on the agenda when you have no big bickies.

Going Local

It can be a winning strategy to focus on a local market and gain trust of buyers close by rather than disperse effort around a larger area with more competitors to take away potential customers. If a business is tailored well for going local, its advertisement should concentrate on ways to spread the word in the locality.

Quality over Quantity

The other focus aspect is the quality of marketing. While this factor seems obvious, it’s still worth reiterating the importance of devoting sufficient effort to one campaign (which also saves money) over spending heaps on numerous campaigns that end up incomplete. The one and only substantial goal of advertisement is conversion, after all, and when it comes to a choice between effectiveness and catching someone’s fancy, low budgeting favours the former.

Engaging Presentation

While focusing on the quality of digital content, which plays a major role in marketing, entrepreneurs shouldn’t underestimate the importance of how this content is presented. This is relevant for all budget sizes. A website’s interface must look engaging and interesting enough for leads. The advantages of compact and easy-to-digest types of content formatting should also be considered: this refers primarily to infographics, which are very easy to create with the free tools all over the web, and video content – also budget friendly when needed – that is much easier to focus customers’ attention on than texts.

3. Connection & Communication

Connection and communication, both with customers and fellow businessmen in the niche, create a force that faithfully works for an entrepreneur who has worked well on their fine-tuning.

Social Media

Aside from building a customer base thanks to honestly earned positive reviews and feedback, marketers are currently urged to join the massive global movement of harnessing the power of social media, where customer networks grow faster than a funnel spider builds its web. Adverts on such platforms are also quite cheap, generally. Starting a business account and establishing a customer community on social media also eases the task of conversion of potential buyers who operate through their smartphones. This is a nice perk for enterprises that can’t yet afford to optimise their website for mobile users.


Relying simply on social media may not be enough. That’s why marketers usually advise using as many marketing channels as possible and reasonable. Enterprises can establish their business presence in multiple digital formats, as well as via producing small and inexpensive promotional items, submitting press releases to newspapers, participating in local and global business gigs at the same time. With smart planning, his can be easily accomplished on a budget.

Joint Ventures

Businesses let other businesses know about each other through activity on professional platforms, like LinkedIn or something niche-specific, or when participating in conventions and meeting potential partners face to face. Among other things, this networking gives enterprises an opportunity to organise joint ventures, which can save all of the parties sufficient marketing funds.

Being one’s own marketer can do no harm to an entrepreneur’s reputation. On the contrary, it brings in a personal touch and emphasises the direct concern of a business for its relationship with customers. For those at the start of their marketing path and those who have a little enterprise restructuring cut their expenses like a cold chisel, advertising on micro budget is a great opportunity to test one’s business skills and a company’s stability on the market: if they can keep and extend their customer network even with low-key advertising, it says a lot about the quality of their service, which is the sole factor that can ever get a real hold on a client.

Curious how else to do marketing and adverting on a budget? Here’s some more articles to check out:

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