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Problogger: The Web Video Strategy For Bloggers – David Jenyns

david jenyns

David Jenyns is the complete entrepreneur. He is the founder of Melbourne SEO Services and Melbourne Video Productions and enjoys speaking at various events and workshops.

Jenyns presented at Problogger 2014 on how to create a web video strategy for your blog. If you missed it we’ve got a round up of some of the key points covered below.

Jenyns has had a lot of success in his career and he puts that down to video. Most people don’t do video, so there’s an opportunity.

Web video is still in it’s infancy, so Jenyns urges the audience to get in now. He states that in 2018 they predict around three quarters of information online will be video.

How Video Can Be The Core Component of Your Strategy

Firstly, Jenyns notes that it’s important to build a subscriber database. The secret to this is YouTube. He freely admits that he is biased but he recommends considering video as your first approach and then you can use it to fuel your other channels.

What You Will Need To Be Able To Make Your Own Video

So for under $2k you can have all that it takes to create high quality video content. Jenyns also recommended checking out the app Teleprompt. He also doesn’t recommend editing videos, other than to have an introduction with a logo in the lower third of the screen and then a call to action at the outro. You can get this done on Fiverr or even Splashio.

David Jenyns

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YouTube Made Easy

Jenyns encourages the audience to firstly determine what is the keyword. It obviously needs to match the content. If you need help, he suggests to check out the predictive search in Google and other related searches for ideas. Jenyns also encourages you to choose your user over ‘keyword stuffing’.

Jenyns then covered how you can optimise your video to get it ranked. He recommends to consider channels such as an email newsletter, social sharing, embedding and press releases to distribute the content.

Authority Content System

Jenyns explains that it doesn’t have to be a laborious task creating video. You can create a video in a day and then chop it up and publish small videos over weeks or even months.

He then goes on to discuss his three P’s:

Jenyns urges the audience to maintain consistency in their approach and narrow down on the videos that do well. He then suggests making derivative works on your most popular videos.

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