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Marketing Essentials 1 Day Training in Melbourne

This training, ‘Marketing Essentials’ covers the basics of marketing and are intended not only for people who are new to a marketing role, but just about anybody in the organisation. A basic understanding of the subject is particularly valuable to people in management, selling and customer service roles.

Course Contents:

Effective marketing is vital to ensure the survival and growth of any business. It does not matter whether the business is large or small or what products or services the business supplies, the truth is that effective marketing cannot be ignored and is essential for any successful organisation.

Course Topics:

This training on, ‘Marketing Essentials’ will help you understand marketing concepts and how they link to the growth strategy of the business. They will also give you a solid grounding in market analysis and how marketing influences customers. The Marketing Essentials training include:

Course Features:

At the end of this Marketing Essentials training you will be able to:

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