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Emergence Creative Festival

Connection through creativity

A unique event that pushes creative boundaries and is set in the beautiful surrounds of Western Australia’s Margaret River wine region, making it the ideal setting to open your mind and soak it all in.

Featuring the inspiring opening night showcasing innovative creative work with live art, live music, digital and light installations, 3-D animations and mapping and much more; hands on collaborative workshops; exciting and thought-provoking keynote speakers; sampling of the region’s exquisite produce; pop-up creative sessions; countless networking opportunities and of course, plenty of fun.

The Emergence Creative Conference & Festival is a place where ideas are the heroes and all that you experience is there to reignite creativity and encourage new ways of thinking. Be a part of it and be inspired.

Emergence Creative runs from Sunday 8th to Wednesday 11th March 2015.

For more information visit

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